산소 센스 종류
▲ Molex 또는 22D
– CCR(재호흡기) : Dive Rite Optima, KISS rebreathers, Hammerhead, Megalodon, rEvo, Liberty, original Inspiration, Prism 2 and Explorer MK2, PoseidonMK6/MK7 and Discovery VI.
– oxygen analyzers(기체분석기): Nitroxbuddy, OxySpy, Hydrospace Explorer, Oxy2 and Lifeguard, DiveSoft
▲ 22D : DiveSoft기체분석기
▲ SMB 또는 14D : Inspiration, Evolution, XCCR and Flex
▲ 14D2 : JJ-CCR
▲ 14D1 : SF-2
▲ Analox