Scuba O-링

스쿠버 다이빙 장비와 부품에 사용되는 O-링입니다.

품번 사   용
003 Submersible pressure gauge/consoles: internal swivel seal
004 Older internal swivel seal models; AT-PAC BC’s Power inflator control Sherwood 6121-122, Apeks id: AP6403
005 Seal used in older depth and tank “stem” gauges
006 Common seal in regulator balance chambers; Power inflator stems; CO2 detonators; SAS gland seal .Sherwood 5121-101,6500-118, scubpro1.050.117,mares 46110101,Apeks ID:AP1299
007 Regulator piston ring; small HP seal ,Sherwood G007A
008 Sonic regulators; Regulator piston ring; small HP sea, Sherwood 6110-129, Scubapro 1,050,126
009 Seal in open-tube depth gauges, Sherwood 6121-135,6400-113
010 Regulator hose: swivel end; Piston barrel HP seal; 2nd stage orifIce seal; Valve stem seals; Early calupso Regulators; Power inflators stems;Sherwood 5121-104,6110-119,6161-101,6121-137,Scubapro1,050,351,Mares 46110107, APEKS ID:AP1154
011 Regulator hose: male end; Regulator port plugs LP; Hose adapters; J-regulators; Early replacement HP seats; Captured HP outlets; Piston HP barrel BC hose coupler, Scubapro 1,050,351,Mares 46110107, Sherwood 5121-103,APEKS:AP1409
012 Console/gauge hoses: male end; Underneath filter; Hose adapters; HP seat seal; LP swivel cap; HP port plugs, Scubapro 1,050,145, Mares 46110108, 46110110,APEKS :AP1445
013 Piston seat seal; Survivair manifolds; Power inflator seals; Common in aluminium cylinder valve to yoke regulator seals Sherwood 6400-115, Scubapro 1,050,147, Mares 46110215,APEKS :AP1410
014 + 2nd stage inlet fittings; J-regulators; Common in aluminium cylinder valve to yoke regulator,Sherwood 5121-105, scubapro 1,050,347, Mares 46110211,APEKS :AP1159
015 1st stage inlet fittings; HP seal retainer seal; J valve module; Valve HP plugs; 2nd stage barrel and housing plug seals,Shewood 5121-106, Scubapro1,050,158,APEKS :AP1267
016 Old 1/2″ NPS valves; 2nd stage inlet fittings; SAS LP seats; J-regulators; HP module seal; Valve HP plugs; 2nd stage barrel and housing plug seals; Paintball Guns; M18X1,5 Valves,Sherwood 6400-125,6500-129,scubapro 1,050,160
017 Regulator piston ring and cap; Dacor HP module,Scubapro 1,050,160, 1,050,162, Mares 46110225
018 Regulator piston ring (1970’s); 2nd stage inlet seal; Body plug seal
019 Healthway / USD / Sherwood industrial piston regulator,APEKS :AP1438
020 Regulator piston ring (USD & SAS) Sherwood 6400-102
021 Regulator piston ring
022 Common regulator piston ring; Body plug seals; Paintball guns, Sherwood 5110-107, Scubapro 1,050,177
023 Regulator LP swivel seal; Body plug seals Sherwood 6110-131,6400-107
024 Piston cap seals (USD); SAS 1st stage Sherwood 6110-125,APEKS :AP1420
025 Gauge lenses, Sherwood5110-109
026 For Suunto C3,Cobra,EON, VIPER,FAVOUR,AIR LUX Computers
027 Scubapro part no 1,050,164
106 Sherwood part no 5121-102
107 Sherwood part no 6121-129
109 Scubapro part no 1,050,385
110 Old double manifolds; Spearguns
111 Australian/ Nemrod valves; BC inflators; DIN regulator seals Sherwood 6400-138, Scubapro 1,050,193;1,050,428, Mares 46110247, APEKS :AP1166
112 Steel tank valve; Basal DIN seal ,Scubapro 11,361,115
113 Aquarius piston ring / cap seal; Healthway regulators
114 Early piston models; Paintball Guns
115 AMF HP module; BC fittings
116 Genesis tank valve; BCD Inflator Mechanisms; Paintball Guns
211 Early BC fittings
213 Early BC fittings
214 Cylinder to 3/4 valve seal; Cylinder to M25X2 valve Seals
215 Cylinder to M25X2 valve Seals
610 BCD internal hose o-ring clip end
2.4 x 1.9 RO Scubapro part no 1,050,317
24 X 2 For Suunto C6,Zander
36 X1.5 For Suunto C9 and D9
39 X 1 For SUUNTO C1, Stinger, Spider computers
39 X 1.50 For Suunto C8 and D4
15 X 4.00 Mares part no 46200559
902 Scubapro part no 1,050,293
903 Sherwood part no 6121-141
905 Sherwood part no 6400-135
906 Sherwood part no 6110-115 & 6121-104
119 Mares Spear Gun
27 x 1.3 For Aeris F10 diving watch
1.7 x 1.0 For APEKS regulators
1.95 X 1.0 Sherwood part no 6500-112
2.20 X 1.0 Scubapro part no 1,050,363
2.5 x 1.0 For APEKS regulators

▲ 출처 :


품번 외경(인치) 사  용
214 1-1/4 Cylinder with Large Neck/Valve (3/4 NPS – All Aluminum, most Steel cylinders)
112 11/16 Standard DIN Regulator/Valve (Nearly all DIN regulators)
111 5/8 Small DIN Regulator/Valve (You know if you need this one)
015 11/16 Cylinder Valve Bonnet Nut
014 5/8 Standard Yoke Regulator/K-valve
013 9/16 Large Low-Pressure Port/Hose (1/2 UNF)
012 1/2 High-Pressure Port/Hose (7/16 UNF) Manifold and Manifold Port Plugs
011 7/16 Standard Low-Pressure Port/Hose (3/8 UNF)
010 3/8 Low-Pressure Hose/2nd Stage Regulator Cylinder Valve Stem
003 3/16 High-Pressure Hose/SPG Swivel

▲ 출처 :


품    명 O-링 번호
BC 파워 인플레이터 006 2개,  011 1개, 012 1개, 112 1개
게이지 오링 003 2개
탱크 밸브 3/4 NPS, M25X2 목 214 1개
요크 타입 014 1개, 딘 타입 112 1개
표준 저압 호스 1단계쪽 011 1개
고압 호스 1단계쪽 012 1개

※ 위 내용은 다이빙 장비에 사용되는 O-링을 설명하기 위한 것입니다. 혹시라도 위 내용을 참고해서 본인의 장비에 O-링을 교체하여 발생하는 문제에 대해서는 이 글의 작성자와 이 블로그의 운영자는 민,형사상 책임이 없음을 알려드립니다. 교체한 본인의 책임입니다. 다이빙 장비에 대한 유지보수 자격이 없는 경우, 반드시 전문가에게 수리를 맡겨 수리와 점검을 받으시길 바랍니다.

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